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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Number System

We use ten symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 called digits to represent any number. This is the decimal system where we use the numbers 0 to 9. 0 is called insignificant digit.

Natural numbers
Counting numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. .. are known as natural numbers.
The set of all natural numbers can be represented by N= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5…}

Whole numbers
If we include 0 among the natural numbers, then the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 … are called whole numbers.
The set of whole number can be represented by W= {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…}
Every natural number is a whole number but 0 is a whole number which is not a natural number.

All counting numbers and their negatives including zero are known as integers.
The set of integers can be represented by Z or I = {…-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 …}

Positive Integers
The set I+ = {1, 2, 3, 4…} is the set of all positive integers.
Positive integers and natural numbers are synonyms.

Negative Integers
The set I- = {-1, -2, -3…} is the set of all negative integers.
0 is neither positive nor negative.
Non-negative Integers
The set {0, 1, 2, 3…} is the set all non-negative integers.

Rational Numbers
The numbers of the form p/q, where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0, are known as rational numbers, e.g. 4/7, 3/2, -5/8, 0/1, -2/3, etc.
The set of all rational numbers is denoted by Q. i.e. Q ={x: x =p/q; p, q belong to I, q≠0}.
Since every natural number ‘a’ can be written as a/1, every natural number is a rational number.
Since 0 can be written as 0/1 and every non-zero integer ‘a’ can be written as a/1, every integer is a rational number.Every rational number has a peculiar characteristic that when expressed in decimal form is expressible rather in terminating decimals or in non-terminating repeating decimals.
For example, 1/5 =0.2, 1/3 = 0.333…22/7 = 3.1428704287, 8/44 = 0.181818…., etc.

Irrational Numbers
Those numbers which when expressed in decimal from are neither terminating nor repeating decimals are known as irrational number, e.g. √2, √3, √5, π, etc.
Note that the exact value of π is not 22/7. 22/7 is rational while π irrational number.
22/7 is approximate value of π. Similarly, 3.14 is not an exact value of it.

Real Numbers
The rational and irrational numbers combined together are called real numbers,
e.g.13/21, 2/5, -3/7; √3, 4 + √2, etc. are real numbers.
The set of all real numbers is denoted by R.
Note that the sum, difference or product of a rational and irrational number is irrational, e.g. 3+ √2, 4-√3, 2/3-√5, 4√3, -7√5 are all irrational.

Even Numbers
All those numbers
8, 10, etc., are even numbers.

Odd Numbers
All those numbers which are not exactly divisible by 2 are called odd numbers, e.g. 1,
3, 5, 7 etc., are odd numbers.

Prime Numbers
A natural number other than 1 is a prime number if it is divisible by 1 and itself only.
For example, each of the numbers 2, 3, 5, 7 etc., are prime numbers.

Composite Numbers
Natural numbers greater than 1which are not prime, are known as composite numbers.
For example, each of the numbers 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, etc., are composite numbers.


Verbal classification test which is popularly known as “odd man out” test requires assorting of the items of a given group on the basis of a certain common quality they possess and then spotting the odd one in the group—the stranger out. These questions test the abilities of the candidates to observe the differences and similarities among objects or things. In this type of questions out of 5-6 objects (may be letters, words, numbers or figures) all but one is similar in some respect. You have to sort out which one is different (i.e., does not bear the same characteristics as the others in the group) and that gives you the correct answer. There is no rule of thumb to solve problems of this type. You have to sort each answer choice to find out whether it has any association or connection with the other items of the question. The correct answer choice will be that item which has/does not has an association with the other words. Verbal classification questions may involve alphabet/letter, word or numbers.

Verbal classification is based on homogeneity or similarity between things like objects, pictures, letters, ideas and words. In this test, homogeneous items are grouped together but one will be different in some way. Your task is to identify the thing that does NOT belong to the group. For instance take the group “apple, orange, fruit, banana”. Of course they have many things in common but there is a fine distinction. While apple, orange and banana are specific, ‘fruit’ is a generic term: any fruit.

All probable relationships have to be explored while attempting such tests. Such relationships may be based on
1. Meanings and interpretations
2. Characteristics
3. Common prefixes/suffixes
As far as letter series is concerned, concern is given to
1. Position of letters in the alphabetical order
2. Capital and small letter relationship
3. Vowel-consonant relationship
4. Frequency or omission of letters

How to Prepare For General Awareness for Bank Exams

      General Awareness has now become an important part of so many mainstream competitive exams. General awareness Comprises of finance and economy, Current national and international events, Geographical, social, cultural aspects of the country and world etc. Many would have often wondered the need to test one`s general knowledge skills in bank exams. The answer is how much do you know of the surroundings, tells lot about your behavior & mindset.

     Candidates applying for a job for PO are now expected to have a good knowledge of current events of national and international level. That is why General awareness is being included in more and more competitive exams.

  General Awareness is quite beneficial for candidates if it is prepared properly. The reason for this is the General Awareness questions don’t take any time to solve; all you have to do is read and mark the answer if you know it. This section could well be attempted in less time without much effort and it’s highly scoring also. So General Awareness can help crack the exam comfortably if prepared properly. Depending upon the nature of the job, emphasis will be given to a particular category of questions. For Bank exams, General Awareness mostly consists of current Events, mainly including Finance, economical issues of national and international level. Questions on world politics, social & cultural events can also be asked. This test also helps in testing candidate’s ability to gather latest information around them.
     Preparing effectively for General awareness is not possible in a single day. It takes time as the candidate is required to be aware of events taking place at international level over a period of time and the range of questions is also quite large. So the preparation should be started well in advance.
     Reading Newspapers regularly is an integral part of preparing for general awareness as it keeps the candidate updated about current events. Going through previous papers, model papers, and magazines is quite helpful. Television channels report news with visuals as they occur; making it easier for anyone to know what has really taken place. While talk shows & debates on news channels could provide more insight on a specific issue that could be useful in group discussion, there isn’t any bigger advantage of watching news on TV.
   Remember that general awareness requires regular and dedicated effort. It requires time and patience and thus keep working hard with patience.But once prepared properly, it will eventually ensure your success in the exam.